Indian Craftsmen: Craft your way to them!

Indian Craftsmen: Craft your way to them!

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India is beautiful, but the ones who have struggled hard to give the country her place in world map of heritage and culture are not shinning. The award-winning Indian Craftsmen whose work have helped our motherland gain the recognition she deserves, are lost. 

Indian art and culture are one of most appreciated in the world. But the question is what happened to our heritage now? What happened to the Indian craftsmen now? Why are they not in the picture?

The answer is simple, they are striving to survive. They are fighting for the basics – their livelihood, health, education.

Such is the condition that most of the Indian craftsmen belong to the below poverty line category. Most of them are switching their profession to make their ends meet. Obviously, this is impacting our traditional art.

“An artist who works with his hands, his head and his heart at the same time creates a masterpiece.”

― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

And, we at Miradorlife, know exactly what this means, we know how hard they work to make every piece of work a masterpiece. We know, how hard they are trying to keep the art alive.

We believe that it is our responsibility to protect the Indian craftsmen and their art. We believe that our art and culture should retain its respect and position in the world, like it has always been.

Hence, we, have taken a pledge to provide them with a platform that reaches out to the most. We would like to ensure that the art and their creators get what they deserve. We intend to create a sustainable living for our craftsmen while protecting the art forms of India.

The idea of Miradorlife is to introduce the different art forms in every furniture design and accessories that we produce.

Miradorlife is pledging to support all of the fellow geniuses who are still trying to keep the cultural heritage alive.

We are extremely overwhelmed to have such artistic brains on-board with us. Together, we can reach out to the maximum number of art lovers who would support us by buying our products.

This platform will be used rightfully to empower not just the art but the protectors as well!

Every product is quoted in a way that does not create financial tension for the consumers. Having said that, the process of pricing a product is extremely transparent. This initiative strengthens the trust between the artist and us. It also helps us to gain ardent customer support who love to come back to us again and again.

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