Furniture and fashion. Can they ever go hand in hand? You might have seen some fashion trends in clothing and accessories that make absolutely no sense in the realm of practicality. But is it always the case? When it comes to furniture, especially reclaimed and sustainable furniture, the story can be a tad bit different. Variations in design and material can allow creators to come up with innovative ideas that make furniture more than just functional items in any living or working space.

Be it minimalism or opulence, industrial design or organic ornamentation, well-crafted furniture can add life to any space. In kitchens, countertops can double up as storage units and when complemented with proper tablecloths can be a handy way to have meals in a smaller space. Likewise, bookshelves made of driftwood can easily have extensions that end in lampshades. What better way to enjoy a light novel or a heavy series than being seated beside a tower of knowledge that provides its own ‘light’?
Ideas can come from anywhere, and unlike the haute couture in clothing fashion, furniture can always find a way to become functional, even in the smallest of ways. Take for example a simple stool. A chunk of a tree trunk and three legs is all you need to have a seat. Couple that with a scenic view of the outdoors and a table surrounded with friends and you’ll get moments that aren’t easily forgotten.

Even the most rudimentary of construction equipment, the ladder, can become part of functional and fashionable house décor. Have a small mezzanine floor? Use the ladder supported by a wall and you can save a lot of space and construction material on a staircase. Have a small balcony? Use a ladder covered with jute strings and coco peat to establish a natural and healthy outdoor garden with vines growing up the arms and steps and hanging plants adorning the underside. The fresh air you get every morning will be worth the time and effort you put into this.
It’s not that your ideas must be wonky or out-of-the-world to be classified as fashionable and functional. Simple design changes and just a bit of ingenuity can help you have furniture that sets your space apart while bringing a touch of class to everything that exists with it. For more design ideas, come visit us at